Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025
GDS Full Form

GDS Full Form: In India, the acronym GDS is frequently encountered, particularly by students preparing for competitive examinations. Let’s delve into the full meaning of GDS and explore its various facets.

GDS stands for “Gramin Dak Sevak,” a term integral to the Indian postal system, administered by the Central Government’s Department of Posts. Essentially, GDS represents a crucial job role within the postal service network, serving as a linchpin for communication services across rural areas.

Now, let’s address some common queries related to GDS. What exactly is GDS? What are the different types of GDS positions? How does one become a GDS? And what remuneration can one expect from such a position?

GDS, or Gramin Dak Sevak, embodies the core of the Indian postal service. It’s not merely a job title; rather, it symbolizes the vital role played by the postal department in fostering communication across the nation.

GDS Full Forms

GDS Full Form Hindi Meaning
Gramin Dak Sevak ग्रामीण डाक सेवक
Global Distribution System वैश्विक वितरण प्रणाली
Giornale di Sicilia  जिओर्नेल डि सिसिलिया
Government Digital Service  सरकारी डिजिटल सेवा
Google Desktop Search Google डेस्कटॉप खोज
Godaddy Domain Service  गोडैडी डोमेन सेवा
Geriatric Depression Scale जराचिकित्सा अवसाद स्केल
Gross Debt Service  सकल ऋण सेवा
Gender and Development Studies लिंग और विकास अध्ययन
Grey Dog Software ग्रे डॉग सॉफ्टवेयर
Global Data Synchronization ग्लोबल डेटा सिंक्रोनाइज़ेशन
Gigabit Distribution Switch गिगाबिट वितरण स्विच
Global Delivery Service वैश्विक वितरण सेवा
Grid Data Service ग्रिड डेटा सेवा
Global Directory Agent Server वैश्विक निर्देशिका एजेंट सर्वर
Graduate Destination Survey स्नातक गंतव्य सर्वेक्षण
Graphic Data System ग्राफिक डाटा सिस्टम
Global Deterioration Scale वैश्विक गिरावट स्के
Georgetown Day School जॉर्ज टाउन डे स्कूल
Ground Data System ग्राउंड डेटा सिस्टम
General Depreciation System  सामान्य मूल्यह्रास प्रणाली
General Data Stream सामान्य डेटा स्ट्रीम
Glow Discharge Spectrometry ग्लो डिस्चार्ज स्पेक्ट्रोमेट्री
Global Directory Service वैश्विक निर्देशिका सेवा
Global Data Systems ग्लोबल डेटा सिस्टम
Civic Democratic Party  सिविक डेमोक्रेटिक पार्टी
General Directorate of Security  सामान्य सुरक्षा निदेशालय
Generic Data Structure सामान्य डेटा संरचना
Gordon Diagnostic System गॉर्डन डायग्नोस्टिक सिस्टम
Gilgen Door Systems  गिलजेन डोर सिस्टम
Global Data Service  वैश्विक डेटा सेवा
Generalized Data Stream सामान्यीकृत डेटा स्ट्रीम
Google Dance Syndrome Google नृत्य सिंड्रोम
Global Dialling Scheme ग्लोबल डायलिंग योजना
Good Day Sunshine  आपका दिन मंगलमय हो
General Distribution Services सामान्य वितरण सेवाएँ
Graphic Display System ग्राफिक डिस्प्ले सिस्टम
Global Document Solution वैश्विक दस्तावेज़ समाधान
Gaelic Digital Service गेलिक डिजिटल सेवा
Gunshot Detection System  गनशॉट डिटेक्शन सिस्टम
Graphic Display Streamer ग्राफिक डिस्प्ले स्ट्रीमर
Geographic Display System भौगोलिक प्रदर्शन प्रणाली
Gunfire Detection System गनफायर डिटेक्शन सिस्टम
GeoMet Data Services जियोमेट डेटा सर्विसेज
Global Diagnostics System ग्लोबल डायग्नोस्टिक्स सिस्टम
General Declassification Schedule सामान्य डिक्लासिफिकेशन शेड्यूल
Global Depository Share ग्लोबल डिपॉजिटरी शेयर
General Design Specification सामान्य डिजाइन विशिष्टता
Georgia Dental Society जॉर्जिया डेंटल सोसायटी
Group Desk Suite ग्रुप डेस्क सूट
Gaming Device Standard गेमिंग डिवाइस स्टैंडर्ड
Gateway Digital Switch  गेटवे डिजिटल स्विच
Geometry Definition System ज्यामिति परिभाषा प्रणाली
Global Dictionary Service वैश्विक शब्दकोश सेवा
Generic Dispatch System जेनेरिक डिस्पैच सिस्टम
Georgia Daffodil Society जॉर्जिया डैफोडिल सोसायटी
Grammar-Directed Search व्याकरण-निर्देशित खोज
Game Difficulty Setting  खेल मुश्किल सेटिंग
Gridlock Data System ग्रिडलॉक डेटा सिस्टम
Gun Display System गन डिस्प्ले सिस्टम
Gun Direction System गन डायरेक्शन सिस्टम

Types of GDS Positions:

The GDS roles are broadly categorized into two types:

  • BPM (Branch Post Master)
  • ABPM (Assistant Branch Post Master)

These two designations encompass distinct responsibilities within the postal system.

Branch Post Master (BPM):

The BPM, also known as the Branch Post Master, serves as the linchpin of the local post office. Responsible for the administration of the office, the BPM oversees various tasks such as managing postal accounts, coordinating parcel deliveries, and supervising the activities of other staff members within the office. Essentially, the BPM ensures the smooth functioning of the post office, thereby facilitating effective communication services in the rural areas.

Assistant Branch Post Master (ABPM):

The ABPM, or Assistant Branch Post Master, plays a pivotal role in supporting the BPM. In the absence of the BPM, the ABPM assumes responsibility for overseeing the operations of the post office. From selling postal products to handling payment transactions and parcel deliveries, the ABPM performs a wide range of duties to ensure the efficient functioning of the post office.

Salary Structure:

The remuneration for GDS positions is structured in two phases:

  • TRCA/Level 1: Ranging from Rs. 10,000 to Rs. 25,380 for ABPM and Rs. 12,000 to Rs. 29,380 for BPM.
  • TRCA/Level 2: Ranging from Rs. 12,000 to Rs. 29,560 for ABPM and Rs. 14,000 to Rs. 35,600 for BPM.

In Conclusion | GDS Full Form

GDS, or Gramin Dak Sevak, serves as the backbone of the postal system in India. With its full form denoting “Gramin Dak Sevak,” it embodies the essence of rural communication services. Understanding the roles and responsibilities associated with BPM and ABPM positions sheds light on the integral role played by GDS in facilitating communication across the nation.

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Thank you for your visit and continued support. Stay connected for more insights into the world of acronyms and their meanings.

By Pankaj1

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