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Xi Jinping Draws Lessons For Taiwan Invasion From Ukraine War: Report

Xi Jinping Draws Lessons For Taiwan Invasion From Ukraine War: Report

Xi Jinping Draws Lessons For Taiwan Invasion From Ukraine War: Report

When the Russian-Ukraine war continued, analysts said that China sharply witnessed the conflict that had lasted for the past four months, in an effort to take lessons for the possibility of the Taiwan invasion.
The latest telephone exchange between Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin on June 15 highlighted the growing relationship between the two countries after the Ukraine conflict.

XI on his 69th birthday named Vladimir Putin to convince Russian leaders that “bilateral relations have maintained good development momentum in facing turbulence and global transformation.”

The promise of the Chinese President to Moscow for more support about “sovereignty and security” is the same as Chinese leaders with respect to all previous warnings from the West that China risks the damage of the big reputation by not condemning Kremlin.

But what is more worrying for leaders in the West is that Xi multiplied further, promised to deepen strategic coordination between the two countries.

Writing for Providence Jianli Magazine Yang and Yan Yu, argued that XI must accelerate the Internationalization of Renminbi (RMB), and build an international commercial network based on him, free from dollanding with dollars (USD).

They said Xi also had to suppress and help the Oligen PKC’s political and oligarchy family to transfer or protect foreign assets to do so. “The longer they are waiting, the more likely they will turn against XI because of the loss they will suffer in response to the substantial sanctions imposed by Western countries.”

Yang and Yu showed that one of the main reasons why the US and NATO so far saved the stem in connection with the Ukraine invasion of Putin’s nuclear threat. “The lesson learned by other countries is undoubtedly that the nuclear threat is working.”

“If China’s conquest efforts over Taiwan also enter the deadlock period, prevent Chinese domestic anti-war activists from using international public opinion to increase their strength and promote political change may be XI’s first priority,” they added.

Regardless of the side which wins the russia-ukraine war, which and yu said as long as putin survives, it is in the xi regime’s best interests, moscow will continue to consume the attention of the democratic world again. .

“To minimize the positive impact of the influence of XI, Western forces such as the United States and the EU must effectively reject the brutal expansion of autocratic countries by providing sufficient support to Ukraine to help Ukraine quickly win the war, thus changing the substantial unity of the Democratic world into a factor The military determines, “they added.

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